In order to run with no cost to visitors, we participate in affiliate marketing with a carefully selected group of companies.
We receive no compensation from manufacturers for review of these products. Nor do we receive free products to review.
By following the links on our pages, we will receive a percentage off your purchases. It’s a great way to let us keep bringing you great information at no added cost.
Some companies even provide with special codes and links for discounts.
Our Affiliated Companies
These are the companies we have researched and recommend.
- Ace Fitness: The world’s leading online fitness certification programs.
- Great variety of stylish minimalist shoes.
- Help out local bookstores and get your books fast!
- Directed Dr. Joe Muscolino, this is an amazing resource for learning anatomy and continuing education for fitness instructors. Read our Review of Muscolino’s LearnMuscles Continuing Education.
- world’s largest seller of minimalist shoes. Fast, cheap shipping and super quality!